Monday, April 13, 2009

Dear htd fan

I don't give a flying crap about how you feel about our music. Whether you think jimmy is a better vocalist than i is none of my concern. Music is fickle and certain songs are only meant for certain people. but here is what i do care about. I care about YOU. I want you to look deeper than the music. Although fun, metal core is a generic, bland, genera and will probably not stand the test of time. But I do believe that you are subconsciously searching for something that is more than a breakdown. its more than a catchy chorus. and for this, you need to look beyond the music. sometimes you have to look beyond the lyrics as well. this is something you will find deep in your heart. i also know that not everyone will find this. but I believe that if you are meant to find it, you will. please understand, our message is not music. it isn't metal. it isn't just the scream. it is LOVE. it is forgiveness. it is a call to a movement that is more important than you can understand. LOVE. without reason. without expecting something in return. LOVE God. and LOVE his people. not just christians. we are all Gods children. No exceptions. Prostitutes and preachers alike. we are all called to the SAME loving, warm, embrace of God. Don't forget this. it will save your live.

stephen albert joseph keech


  1. what a fantastic approach to criticism.

  2. i Honestly think you were a thousand times better than Jimmy Ryan. His screams were bland and inaudible but your vocals just had so much depth and emotion to them and is actually what got me into HTD. I really wish you could start a new band i looked to your vocals for guidance in my own vocal "adventure".
